These two words mean so much to me. All of us have a call on our lives to rise up to who we were created to be. That call can feel too big and too impossible when we aren’t walking in health (body, soul, and spirit).
There are many ways to measure fitness success. At Elevate, we look at success differently than most of mainstream fitness culture. Success is when you rise up and grow into who God has created you to be! In other words, at Elevate Fitness, we’re not only focused on how your body changes, but also ensuring you are approaching fitness in a way that is Christ-centered. We want you to enjoy your workouts, build a routine to gain strength and confidence, all the while seeing yourself as God sees you… worthy from DAY ONE.
We believe getting fit should be fun and leave you feeling more confident than before. That’s why we decided it was time to rise up and create a fitness studio in a space that embraces clients where they are. A place that offers high-energy, fun exercises to upbeat, life-speaking music.
Elevate Fitness doesn’t just want to do fitness with you, we want to do life with you. We want to give you the tools to overcome defeat inside and outside of class.
Will you rise up and join us in your fitness journey?
– Liza Bobé, Elevate Fitness Studio Manager